Storytelling with Music: Sing, play, act, and dance...

(with and without music)

John W. Flohr-Professor at Texas Woman's University & Robert B. Smith-retired University of Illinois collaborated to produce a must-have book for working with young children.

Reviewed at
"The best in pedagogy meets kindergarten….Through creativity and thoughtful thinking, they portray this art as easy as a singing a lullaby. It is not until you realize that they have unraveled techniques, which will redefine and reinvigorate the ways in which music is transmitted to children, that you realize that a masterpiece is at hand. Many a person in music studies, teaching and even child psychology can benefit from the techniques and ideas mapped out by Flohr and Smith. A must read!"

Appropriate for early childhood and elementary aged children. Also appropriate for older children to produce as dramatic short plays for younger children. Contents include fifteen stories from around the world plus two Bible stories and resources including diagrams for flannel board patterns and puppets. ISBN-13: 978-0-914487-10-4 ISBN-10: 0-914487-10-8 (converted), 102 pages, spiral binding

Storytelling w/ Music, 2008
Retail Price $23.99, Web Price includes shipping in the 48 states and applicable sales tax. Email us for rates outside the continental U.S.

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